Monday 11 September 2006

RT begins tomorrow

Today marks the end of the first part of SK's journey - comprising a whole lot of tests, scans, eating, drinking, tears, fears, joy, relief - all in praises and thankfulness to God, in preparation for RT. THANK YOU, LORD !!!

For those who will be driving or accompanying SK, please take note that RT will take at least an hour each session - RT 30 min, waiting 30 min, etc. Thank you, friends, for ministering to SK in this manner.

This morning's visit to ENT was equally matched - there were 4 of them and 4 of us in the consultation room. Dr Christopher Goh was happy to announce the FNA results - benign. He also said that, there may not be a need for surgery since the nodule was in the region of the RT. Such great news! Praises to God!

After an early lunch of "shark" lor mee, SK returned to office. She is the salt among her colleagues. And in God's perfect time, all SK's dental work was able to be completed this afternoon. Praises to God again!

Do pray for a good night's rest, as tomorrow, we start on a new journey.

Part One - The End

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