Saturday 21 October 2006

5 more RTs

8.23am SK is not sure if she will be discharged today. She seems too dehydrated, the doctor wants to put her on a drip.
10.36am Doctor didn't ask SK to be discharged. She will be put on the drip soon, when the nurses are not too busy.
5.31pm SK is sleeping soundly now. She cannot eat the hospital food. She was drinking the high calorie drink since lunch time until an hour ago. She couldn't drink because her mouth was too painful. SK drinks after taking muccaine (3 times a day), the medicine to numb her throat.
5.51pm Nurse taking temp with ear thermometer 37.5, retake with normal thermometer 36.8
7.14pm Feeding tube was just inserted. Another ordeal. The nurse gave SK Prosure.

Please note: SK is warded at SGH Block 4 Level 8 (Ward 48) Room 20 Bed 6

8.30am RT-27.
2.55pm SK will go for her RT-28 at 4pm. PRAY that her body will be strong to take it. PRAY not to have any unbearable side effects.
4pm RT-28.
Kim and Diana (cooked steamed egg) took SK's mum to SGH. Ai Min brought lunch - mashed cauliflower carrot soup. Ai Fong bought more Novasource and Prosure (complete meal replacement drink). Sarah took SK's mum home.

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