Wednesday 12 September 2007

down memory lane - 912

Today is the twelfth of September. I will always remember this "special" date because it was the day I started my cancer treatment last year. Today is the 1st anniversary of that painful journey. A journey which made me see a new perspective of life. A journey which gave me a taste of God's goodness & faithfulness. A journey which gave me the joy of experiencing God.

12th Sep 2006 was a Tuesday, a BSF class day. My radiation treatment was fixed at 3pm. Angie accompanied me to SGH for the treatment. On arriving there, 2 angels suddenly appeared from behind me while I was registering - PS & Edith. It was a pleasant surprise because I did not expect any BSF angels to turn up on a Tuesday. But they did. It was a great assurance from God that He would not let me walk this journey alone. And as the coming months would show, God always made sure I was never alone. Be it at home or hospital, God would always send me an angel to meet a particular need at a particular time. God saw to everything. I did not need to do anything; God did everything.

After the treatment, Angie drove me to PS's home to rest. At 6pm, we left for our BSF class. PS & I were co-leaders teaching Level 3 students. I thank God for putting us as co-leaders last year for she was to become my pillar of support (PS) in the months to come. I believe it was no coincidence. God saw to everything.

On this same day last year, my youngest sister, Shuli, flew in from LA. She was to spend one month with me before going back to the States. She was truly a Godsend angel to meet my spiritual needs. Shuli was a preacher for more than 10 years in a Chinese-speaking church in KL before she went to further her theological studies in the States. In early 2007, God called her to serve in a new ministry in Taiwan. She will be going to LA end of this month to submit her PhD thesis to Logos Evangelical Seminary. She will be in LA for a month before returning to Taiwan.

Lord, thank You for all the angels You have sent to minister to me in my time of need.

thanks for journeying with me this past year,
tsk tsk

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