Wednesday 26 September 2007

the report card

Today I received the report card on the tests I did last week. One year on, is there a recurrence of cancer in the nasopharynx (the area behind the nose)? Is the tumour completely gone? Has the cancer spread to other parts of the body? What will the report card say? I was anxious to know.

Waiting to receive the test results was like waiting to receive your exam results........will the results be good or bad? I had to wait 2 hours because there seemed to be a few new cases of cancer today. The oncologist normally sees new cancer cases first. And each case takes a long time. I know because I had gone through the process last year.

It was finally my turn. Dr Wee was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he had gone off for a meeting or lunch. I would normally ask, but today I didn't. His assistance, Dr V Koh attended to me. Dr Koh said overall the report card was good. The good news : there was no evidence of tumour recurrence in the nasopharynx or neck area. The not-so-good news : a tiny nodule was spotted in the right upper lobe of lung. Dr Koh said not to worry about the lung nodule. She would monitor my condition & see in 6 months' time if further tests were required.

I do not know how to react to the report card. On the one hand, I am happy that the tumour is confirmed gone. On the other hand, I am concerned about the tiny nodule found on the lung. What can I do except to continue to trust the Lord. Did not the Lord say "do not worry about your life" in Matthew 7:25? But humanly speaking, I do get anxious if I receive not-so-good news about my health. Won't you? But as God's children, we have the assurance that we will not walk through this journey alone for God has promised, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Joshua 1:5)

thanks for journeying & praying with me this far,

tsk tsk

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