Monday 5 February 2007

Late side effects of RT

I attended the NPC support group meeting last Friday. The talk was given by Dr Tham, an ENT specialist, on "Coping with the side effects of radiotherapy". Although I am an NPC survivor, I still have much to learn about nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) or nose cancer. Most of the time, we patients don't get much info from our oncologists due to the very tight consultation time. So attending talks like this & meeting fellow survivors are very helpful.

This is something new I learn from the talk -- late side effects of RT could surface 3 months after the end of RT & even beyond. They include : oral complications, swallowing problems, ear complications, eye complications, radiation induced cancers & pituitary problems. This information is very useful as it helps me to be better prepared should such side effects occur later in life. It also provides useful advice on what I could do now to prevent or minimise the side effects.

I am praying against all these side effects in the Lord's name. I will continue to trust the Lord all the way, that He will heal & restore me completely.

thanks for journeying with me,
tsk tsk

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