Monday 29 January 2007

Reflection 4 : God is my Healer

dear brothers & sisters in Christ

Some of you are asking about my recent MRI scan. Thanks so much for your concern. I had written about it in my blog & had assumed that you would read about it. Just in case you had lost the blog address, here it is --- simply click on this link :

The MRI results had confirmed that the tumour behind my nose is completely gone. And so is the thyroid nodule. The Lord is my Healer. I thank the Lord that the worst is over. The past five months had been the most trying period in my life. But the Lord has been faithful & good to me. He gave me the strength to overcome every pain & suffering. It was by God's grace I survived the ordeal.

Many of you have written or spoken to me that you have been praying for me everyday without fail. I'm truly very touched & encouraged. It is your faithful prayers that have kept me going. The Lord has been so wonderful to send me so many angels like you to pray for me & to minister to my needs. My illness has turned out to be a blessing to me in many ways. I have experienced God's presence & power. I have experienced Christian love & compassion in practical ways. Yesterday morning (28 Jan), the Honorary Pastor of my church spoke from Luke 10:25-37 on "The Good Samaritan". I could not help feeling like the wounded traveller who was attended to by the good Samaritan. But in my case, I was so blessed to be attended to not by one, but by many good Samaritans during my time of illness. Thank you for being the Good Samaritan who attended to my needs & for seeing me through to the end.

Thank you for continuing to pray for me as I recover from my illness. The recovery process may take months. My most immediate prayer is the dryness effect caused by radiotherapy -- dry mouth & weak teeth (caused by lack of saliva in my mouth as the salivary glands & jaw bones were weakened by radiation). The doctor said they will heal but it will take time. As a result of these side effects of radiation, I am still not able to eat solid food. Pray that I will have the patience to wait upon the Lord to heal me of these side effects in His way & in His time.

thanks for journeying with me,

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