Monday 22 January 2007

PTL, the tumour is gone!

Yes, the MRI results confirmed today that the tumour behind my nose is completely gone! And there is also no sign of any thyroid nodule, which means the nodule is not there either.

All praise & glory to the Almighty God for His faithfulness & goodness. Lord, thank You for healing me. Brothers & sisters in Christ, thank you for praying for me.

Please continue to uphold me in your prayers. My most immediate prayer is the dryness effect resulting from radiotherapy -- dry mouth, dry tongue, dry throat, dry skin, weak teeth (all due to lack of saliva in my mouth as the salivary glands had been affected by radiation). As a result, I have difficulty eating normal food. I'm still feeding on liquid food called Novasource until I can eat solid food again.

thanks for journeying with me,
tsk tsk

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