Saturday 31 May 2008

breast results

The breast clinic at SGH sees patients only on Fridays so the queue is always long & slow. My 4.35pm appointment became 6.00pm by the time I saw my doctor. Actually the clinic had to switch me to another doctor at the last minute as my original queue was going too slow. It doesn't matter which doctor I see as SGH specialists work in teams under the supervision of a senior doctor.

What is the result of my breast ultrasound? Two nodules of 10mm & 5mm are spotted on the left breast but they appear benign so there is no need for a biopsy. The ultrasound also showed scattered cysts on both breasts. These are common & harmless so I am not the least worried.

I don't know why I forgot to look at my last year's report before I went for my appointment. My last year's report showed there were 2 nodules on my right breast and 4 nodules on my left breast. But my latest report said there are only 2 nodules on my left breast with no mention of any nodules on the right breast. Does that mean 4 nodules had disappeared? Is that a result of TCM treatment? I am curious to know the answer.

Whatever it is, I'm thankful to God for the good results.

tsk tsk

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